If you want to submit your abstract to Congress please click here

Abstract Information

*Corresponding Author
*Abstract Title
*Presentation Type
*Which Symposia
*Upload Abstract max 3mb

The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to Saturday, 31 March 2018. Book of abstracts will be published before the congress. Final decision for acceptance and selection of abstracts for oral or poster presentations will be made by the Scientific Committee on or before May 15, 2018.

The abstract must be in English, 200 to 300 words, a single paragraph, and at single line spacing. Use Times New Roman, 12 point size and 2.5 cm margin on all sides and justify. Include a title in bold, the author(s) name(s) and capitalized surname(s), their institutions and mailing addresses, and the corresponding author’s e-mail address. Underline the presenting author’s name. State clearly the objectives, materials and methods, results and conclusions of the study. Include 5 keywords. Write the names of species in italics. Do not include figures and tables. Submit your abstract as a ‘Word’ document.

[1 line space]
Author(s) + underline presenter’s name
[1 line space]
Institution(s) and mailing address(es)   
E-mail address of corresponding author
[1 line space]
Main text
[1 line space]

Abstract Template Please click here