International Congress of Acarology

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Appointment of the LOC President and Secretary
Acarologists of the host country will propose a President and a Secretary. These selections are subject to approval by the IEC. The President of the LOC must be a resident of the host country.

The LOC normally is composed of acarologists resident in the host country. The President of the LOC appoints the members of the LOC, other than the President and Secretary. The number of members should be sufficient to care for all organizational responsibilities and to assure efficient operating of the Congress. When possible, it will include one postgraduate student member who is involved in some branch of acarology.

Responsibilities of the LOC President and members
In addition to appointing members, the LOC President is responsible for assigning and coordinating the work of the LOC; for ensuring the proper housing, organization, and conduct of the Congress; and for maintaining communication and interaction between the LOC and IEC as specified elsewhere in these Rules. Shortly after it is constituted, the LOC will submit a timetable for the organization of the Congress, in coordination with the IEC, and will prepare advance circulars for the Congress, manage the Congress budget, and arrange for publishing the Congress proceedings. Before the Congress, the LOC will distribute specific instructions prepared by the Editorial Subcommittee for submitting manuscripts for publication in the Proceedings.


Copyright International Congress of Acarology   Last updated 3 August 2023 by Zhi-Qiang Zhang     Acknowledgments